Monday, October 22, 2007

Evolutionary adaptations

After a few months visiting Skypeland, it strikes me that there are many features of human beings that might be the remnants of evolutionary adaptations that now are less useful than they were originally, but still persist:
(These are something like spandrels)
*colorblindness helps some to see camouflaged animals in low light conditions and to assist with hunting.
*tribal instincts might have helped early humans survive, but now are somewhat counterproductive, leading to hatreds and wars
*homosexuality is present in about 300 animal species, possibly there because it confers some evolutionary advantage
*religious beliefs might have been useful to help early humans survive
*the pattern recognition abilities of humans useful in hunting and planning can run rampant in the modern world and lead to adherence to illogical ideas like conspiracy theories (apophenia).
I wonder how it is that some have overcome these traits, and others have not been able to...